Are You Tired of Missing Out?

Are You Tired of Missing Out?

Are you Tired of Working Every Holiday and Weekend?
How many times have you had to tell your family, friends or children that you can't make it to their birthday party or dinner because you are on call or have to work that day?
Whats even worse is that most the time our family always has to plan around my schedule for what we plan to do on the holidays.
Its almost exhausting. I feel like I don't even have control over my life at times.
I get so tired of people asking me to do things and I have to say , "Well, I don't have my schedule out yet, let me get back to you on that."
My wife and I have always been entrepreneurial and love running businesses. We do any thing from online retail, affiliate marketing, Amazon , Ebay and even opened up a retail store a few years back.
Although we have been pretty successful in our endeavors, I feel like we haven't quite got to the mountain top we want to be standing on.
Thats why this year we started
Can I Start a Business Too?
We want this to be a platform where we showcase not only our products, but other nurses products and also do some educational workshops to show others how to set up their own business. 
We want you to be able to follow us on our Social media channels, Listen to our podcast ( where we interview other entreprunrial nurses) and follow us here to get the most out of supporting Nurses and growing a business yourself.
We want to be very involved in our Nursing community and help you always know that you can make that birthday dinner or never miss another Holiday because you took your life into your own hands.

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